Water-repellent, chloride and corrosion protection.
Compliant with Standard EN 1504-2.
  • ImperGuard® CP is a ready-to-use product specially formulated to make existing concrete water-repellent and reduce corrosion of its reinforcing elements.
  • Curative: Stops existing corrosion of reinforcement (up to a maximum corrosion rate of 5 microns/cm2). The corrosion rate may vary as a function of moisture levels, amount of chlorides.
  • Preventive: Reinforcement in contact with moisture and chlorides (e.g. from deicing salt or other sources) will oxidise. In the process it expands, bursts the concrete and weakens the mechanical strengths of the elements affected.
  • Unlike corrosion inhibitors on the market, ImperGuard® CP penetrates very deeply (to a depth of as much as 6cm) into concrete, thus keeping moisture and chlorides out. ImperGuard® CP also protects against micro-cracks (maximum size of 0.3mm).
  • ImperGuard® CP offers water-repellent properties, which limit water penetration. ImperGuard® CP thus eradicates the harmful effects of moisture (infiltration, acid rain, erosion, freeze/thaw cycles, moss and lichen growth, efflorescence, etc).
Reduction of attack by chlorides.Tests according to standard ASTM 1152 at depths of 12.5 mm, 32 mm, 50 mm and 69 mm.
ImperGuard® CP can be applied vertically and horizontally, indoors and out of doors. It is ideal for protecting all kinds of structures (bridges, pillars, car parks, etc.), architectonic concretes, porous stones and porous materials.
  • Extends concrete life.
  • Deep penetration.
  • Rapid efficacy in 2 weeks.
  • Excellent ageing > 15 years.
  • Complies with standard EN 1504 system 2+ and 4.
  • Does not alter the aesthetics of the substrate.
  • Suitable for cast-in-place and prefabricated concretes (more than 28 days old).
  • Easy spray application.
  • Effective in very wet conditions.
  • Non-film-forming – allows substrate to breathe.
  • UV-resistant, does not yellow.
  • Invisible when dry.
  • Ready to use.
Apply using a low pressure sprayer with a Viton seal.
Clean tools and equipment immediately after use with a solvent.
  • The surface must be dry, clean and free of all traces of oil, grease, curing product, dust, efflorescence, paint and any other substance liable to interfere with the penetration of ImperGuard® CP.
  • The substrate can be prepared by shot blasting, wet sand blasting or high-pressure water jet. Any loose parts must be removed and repaired with a repair mortar.
  • Use Guard Remover® Eco Efflorescence & cement to clean pollution, grease, efflorescence, laitance or concrete bloom.
  • Microcracks (smaller than 0.3 mm) that are not active and do not compromise the durability of the structure from a mechanical point of view can normally be treated with ImperGuard® CP. Other cracks or defective weatherproofing seals must be repaired, treated with ImperGuard® CP and filled with a weatherproofing compound.
  • Apply the product neat – do not dilute.
  • Shake the product well before use. Test first.
  • Apply ImperGuard® CP over the entire surface requiring protection, including the repaired areas.
  • Apply 2 to 3 coats until the substrate is saturated, depending on exposure to weather and attack. In exceptional cases (e.g. tides, marine environment) 3 to 6 coats will be required.
  • Allow a minimum of 15 minutes between each coat. The surface must be visually dry.
  • In the case of spray application, do not allow a mist to form.
  • Drying time: 24 to 72 hours.
  • Time to optimum effects, covering with a coating minimum 15 days.
  • Physical state at 20°C: Liquid
  • Appearence: Uncoloured 
  • Odour: Solvent
  • pH: 10 ± 1
  • Boiling point [°C]: 100°C
  • Density: 0.88 ± 0.007
  • Solubility in water [vol/vol]: Insoluble
  • Flash point [°C]: 62°C
  • VOCs: 430 g/l*
The figures below should be used only as a general guideline: 180 to 230 g/m2 per layer.
25 litres containers.
  • Keep in a dry place (between 5°C and 30°C).
  • Storage: 12 months following the production date when kept in the original unopened container.
  • Surfaces should not be treated until they have first been cleaned of all atmospheric pollution and all stains.
  • For ideal application and effective protection, ImperGuard® CP must be stirred. Also, it is essential that it be used only when the substrate temperature is between 5°C and 30°C.
  • Do not apply in rain or very hot weather. Air temperature between 5°C and 30°C.
  • Do not dilute or mix with another product, especialy not water.
  • Protect materials not intended to be treated, such as glass, aluminium, wood and paint.
  • Respiratory protection: Wear a protective mask type ABEK. 
  • Hand protection: Wear rubber gloves fluorinated.
  • Skin protection: Wear appropriate protective clothing.
  • Eye protection: Wear protective airtight goggles (ref. standard EN 166). 
  • If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. Contact a doctor or a specialist.
ImperGuard® CP has undergone numerous tests demonstrating its performance and effectiveness: resistance to chlorides and sul-phates, water resistance, permeability to air and water vapour, etc.
  • Institut Polymer Kiwa (Germany): Test of compliance with standard EN 1504-2.
  • CBI Betong Institutet AB (Sweden): Test of penetration into concrete, breathability, water infiltration, freeze/thaw resis-tance and resistance to chlorides according to the require-ments of the Swedish Motorway Agency.
Chemical nature
ImperGuard® CP is based on an organofunctional silane.
Daniel Bruyat: Business Director
Phone: (+33) 65 84 46 13 73
Email: daniel.bruyat@guardindustrie.com
Website: www.guardindustrie.com     
Hotline: +84 918 244 844
Email: global@nanophamgroup.com
Important: The content of this documentation is based on our experience with the product. Guard Industry guarantees the quality of its products but expresslydisclaims all liability if the user does not follow the recommendations and conditions of use of the products, especially but not exclusively in the case of faultyapplication, application by untrained personnel, use of products not compatible
with Guard Industry products, or adverse weather conditions For more information, consult the safety data sheet.
Accessing: 66
  • Ho Chi Minh
  • 97 Street No. 7, An Phu- An Khanh Urban Area, An Phu Ward (District 2), Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Quang Ngai
  • 370 Nguyen Tu Tan Street, Tran Phu Ward, Quang Ngai City, Quang Ngai Province
  • Danang
  • K21/H2/1 Nguyen Van Hue Street, Thanh Khe Tay Ward, Thanh Khe District, Da Nang City
  • Thua Thien Hue
  • B08 The Manor Crown, To Huu Street, Hue City, Thua Thien Hue Province
  • Quang Binh
  • 37 Tran Kinh Street, Dong Hoi City, Quang Binh Province
  • Ha Tinh
  • 64 Le Thai To Street, Ky Thinh Commune, Ky Anh District, Ha Tinh Province
  • Thai Binh
  • 36A Quang Trung Street, Tran Hung Ward, Thai Binh Province
  • Thanh Hoa
  • 597 Street 1, Quang Hung Ward, Thanh Hoa City, Thanh Hoa Province
  • Hanoi
  • 99 Nhat Chieu Street, Nhat Tan Ward, Tay Ho District, Hanoi City
  • Hotline: 0918 244 844
  • Email:global@nanophamgroup.com
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