A simple application of Guard Slip Resistant® makes slippery surfaces non-slip. All anti-slip products currently on the market depend on varying concentrations of hydrofluoric acid as their essential component. This component is an extremely corrosive acid that acts by destroying the silica. All generally slippery materials are inorganic materials containing greater or lesser amounts of silica, which takes the form of crystals.

When a product based on hydrofluoric acid is applied to a substrate, these crystals are destroyed and leave holes which will create a «suction» action.
The main problem with this approach is that it requires the use of anti-slip products that are highly dangerous to handle and that often significantly alter the appearance of the substrate, while encouraging a build-up of dirt because the holes quickly become filled with dirt and dust.

Guard Slip Resistant® is a revolutionary product which also makes use of the silica contained in the materials but which uses a chemical reaction to effectively graft new molecules onto the substrate molecules. This creates a non-slip action that is not only more effective and longer-lasting but leaves the substrate practically unchanged.
Guard Slip Resistant® is also a completely safe product and no special precautions are required when handling it. Its pleasant odour enables it to be used without problems even in closed rooms. It also makes substrates much easier to clean than when treated with hydrofluoric acid.